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Sonar Alchemy MASTERY


Created by Ben, our resident expert on Lucid Dreaming. Ben has tapped into a wealth of knowledge around the dream states and has been asked to share it with the world, offering tips and tools to assist your awareness in the dream state. Your new world of wonder excitement and joy awaits with each turning of every page.

Upgrade to Sonar Alchemy MASTERY to receive your Lucid Dreaming Journal Free

If Approved to enroll You'll access

  • 1:1 Mentorship: Receive one-on-one Dream Guidance specific to your requirements.

    • Exclusive Bonuses - $459 Value

    • Weekly Group Calls: Join hot seats, observe live Lucid Dreaming drills, and get supplemental support and training to keep your momentum up

    • Skill Library: Get on-demand access to a video reference library with simple trainings to help you design, sell, and deliver a high-humanity-impact invention.

    • On-Going Updates: You’ll receive ALL future video trainings, curriculum, and guides we produce so you have access to what is working today… and tomorrow

    • Priority Access to OmPassion Inventor Centre and Invent in a supportive container from your dreams - $4995 Value

    • A group 12-week inclusive container. - $27,999 Value

    • Includes:- A 3-day In-Person vision quest and a 2 day Immersive personalized lucid dreaming, self hypnotherapy class led by Certified E-hypnotherapist and Sonar Alchemy Curator, Benjamin Jones.

    • Take home guided Dreaming audios to support you and your loved ones - $297 Vaule

    • Accountability: Weekly check-ins ensure you make consistent progress as you build your skills and we can identify and remove roadblocks holding you back

    • Daily Support.

    • Invention incubator and Manifesting for Market - $6996 Value

    • Expert guidance in pitching and investment for your manifestations.

    • Aligned sales and marketing coaching. $2979 VALUE

    • 6x Personalized Energetic Healings to allow connective flow through blockages. $1080 VALUE

    • Elevate your spiritual journey

    • Tap into deeper realms of consciousness and enhancing your overall well-being.

    • Total $41,943 Value

    • Your Contribution is Only $2997 AUD Or connect with our partner to Access weekly installments.

Have a Unique Offering that Humanity Needs?

Require support to get it off the ground?

Exclusive Sponsorship Offer

Reach out today to seize a unique opportunity

to be granted a FULL Course Sponsorship – a one-time offering!

Unlock Sonar Alchemy MASTERY at no cost!

Turn your dreams into reality.

With the help of our dedicated supporters, develop effective strategies and actions to realize your project.

Unlock the full extent of its capabilities for the greater good of mankind.

Your vision, backed by our support, can make a significant impact on the world.

Don't miss this exclusive chance – contact us now!